
另一个学年正在进行中!我们希望你对此感到兴奋!随着学年对我们来说,我们提供了新的内容和新工具文化局to help you and your students learn more about the world we all live in. So what’s been added to the product for this year? Here’s your chance to find out.

At a Glance: What’s New for 2018-2019 School Year?

  • 800+new相片(在......之外10,000+)
  • 72.new幻灯片(在......之外90.0.+总幻灯片)
  • 22.newInterviews(在400多个面试中)
  • COMING SOON!90.+new视频(在......之外700+ total videos)


相片and Slideshows

幻灯片:Angola Kids Via Culturegrams

800+新照片/ 22 +幻灯片。视觉扫盲是当今世界中学生的重要技能。文化局提供来自全球贡献者的数千张照片,以帮助您的学生培养这些技能。从2017年开始,我们还添加了各种选择National Geographic照片到我们的照片画廊,由一些最有才华的摄影师拍摄。还有更多的来!

课程想法:Have each student select a photo from the文化局照片集基于他们的个人兴趣或通过任务。让他们读过文化介绍for the country from which the photo comes and then have students use their cultural knowledge to “read” the photograph. What clues can they get from details in the photo—the landscape, the people, the setting, the action, the composition, etc.? Have the students write a brief story about what their photo depicts based on details from the photo and from what they’ve learned about the country or culture.



22.New Interviews.We’ve recently added近二次采访文化局。我们的Interviewsare one of the most popular features in文化局。Users can learn how ordinary individuals–both adults and children–within a particular country see the world, what they do each day, what they worry about, what matters to them, etc. The interviews provide an intimate glimpse into what daily life is like for these people.

课程想法:让学生阅读特定国家的选定面试。然后让学生自己回答同一个面试问题,让他们将他们的答案与其中的答案进行比较文化局interviews with kids who are roughly their same age. This activity can be a great starting point for a discussion about cultural difference and how factors such as geography, climate, economy, religion, and education influence one’s life



COMING SOON!90.+ New Videos。我们独特的视频那produced by文化局来自国际贡献者提交的镜头的编辑,突出了日常生活和文化的许多方面。所有800多个视频中文化局collection are available for streaming and download.




新的文字翻译功能:We added a text-translation feature to文化局2018年,客户要求的东西。从任何国家/地区,州或省报告中,只需单击页面顶部的“转换”按钮,将出现下拉菜单,允许您选择要翻译文本的语言。这很容易!语言包括中文,法语,德语,意大利语,日语,韩语,波兰语,葡萄牙语,俄语,西班牙语和土耳其语。

文化局Scavenger Hunts

世界版本Scavenger Hunt via CultureGrams

清道夫狩猎文化局版本:截至2018年,我们现在有scavenger huntsfor all four文化局Editions—World Edition, Kids Edition, States Edition, and Provinces Edition. The scavenger hunts are a handy and engaging way to teach students about the resources available to them in the文化局database. The activities not only include fact-based questions but critical thinking questions as well.

课程想法:Have students work individually or in teams to complete a scavenger hunt on the文化局版本,他们将用于他们的研究或课堂项目。一旦他们完成了狩猎,您可以帮助学生通过作为课程进行追捕员互相评估。当您评估答案时,您可以突出重要内容或功能文化局数据库,学生应该注意的their particular assignment.


看看我们的新手product catalog! Don’t have文化局立即设立试用

kip clark.

kip clark.is a Supervising Editor at CultureGrams. He has been with ProQuest for over 15 years. Prior to his employment with ProQuest, Kip worked as a writing and humanities instructor, editor, research assistant, furniture shipper, flower presser, and cookie maker. He has a BA and MA in English, with an emphasis on the literature of the American West. Kip has traveled throughout much of Western Europe, as well as to Kenya, Uganda, Canada, Israel, and Russia. His interests include cooking, reading, playing racquetball, and collecting spinning tops.

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kip clark.

kip clark.is a Supervising Editor at CultureGrams. He has been with ProQuest for over 15 years. Prior to his employment with ProQuest, Kip worked as a writing and humanities instructor, editor, research assistant, furniture shipper, flower presser, and cookie maker. He has a BA and MA in English, with an emphasis on the literature of the American West. Kip has traveled throughout much of Western Europe, as well as to Kenya, Uganda, Canada, Israel, and Russia. His interests include cooking, reading, playing racquetball, and collecting spinning tops.

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