分享学校博客 https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com 2020年5月13日星期三20:28:45 +0000 en - us 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.1.1 https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/cropped-redQFav-32x32.png 分享学校博客 https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com 32 32 孤独在一起:世界各地的冠状病毒(俄罗斯) https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/alone-together-coronavirus-around-the-world-russia/ https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/alone-together-coronavirus-around-the-world-russia/#respond 2020年5月13日星期三17:17:12 +0000 雷切尔·利加里 CultureGrams 冠状病毒 俄罗斯 https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/?p=36345 世界从未如此团结,即使这种团结的力量是孤立。本文是由CultureGrams编辑创建的系列文章的一部分,该系列文章提供了冠状病毒大流行对不同国家个人影响的第一手报道。今天这一期的作者是纳迪亚,一个住在俄罗斯圣彼得堡的女人。[& # 8230;] 世界从未如此团结,即使这种团结的力量是孤立的。本文是由CultureGrams编辑创建的系列文章的一部分,该系列文章提供了冠状病毒大流行对不同国家个人影响的第一手报道。今天的分期付款是纳迪亚写的,她是一个住在俄罗斯圣彼得堡的女人。

< a href = " yobetvip官网https://blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/alone-together-coronavirus-around-the-world-russia/attachment/processed-with-vsco-with-c1-preset/ " rel =“附件wp -丙氨酸- 36347”> < img类=“大号wp -图像- 36347”src = " https://blogs.proquest.com/wp - content/uploads/2020/05/2020 - 04 - 25 - 08.22.25 - 1 - 1024 - x697.jpg”alt="" width="1024" height="697" srcset="https://blogs.proquest.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/2020-04-25-08.22.25-1-1024x697.jpg 1024w, https://blogs.proquest.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/2020-04-25-08.22.25-1-300x204.jpg 300w, https://blogs.proquest.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/2020-04-25-08.22.25-1-768x523.jpg 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" />
The normally busy space in front of St. Petersburg’s Winter Palace lies empty.


It’s so strange how the world has changed in such a short time and things that were so common have become impossible. But also it’s such a unique experience we all are sharing right now!

We live in Saint Petersburg—it’s the second-biggest city in Russia, after Moscow. And it’s been over a month that we’ve been in quarantine.

All schools, museums, libraries, shopping centers—everything except grocery stores—are closed. It is prohibited to use playgrounds and sports grounds. It’s so sad to see the city lonely and deserted, a city which is usually full of merry tourists, laughter, and tour buses at this time of the year.

A St. Petersburg playground’s entrance is closed.


I work as a tour guide for Japanese groups, and obviously I lost my job for this season and so did a lot of people, especially those who work in tourist and restaurant businesses. My husband works for a software sales company, and he faces a lot of difficulties now as well, but he is doing his best.

The person who is the happiest in our family now is our 5-year-old son, who doesn’t like Kindergarten that much and is so excited to do what he enjoys every day. He is creating his own worlds from chairs and toilet paper, dancing and . . . we decorated Christmas tree this week. Because . . . why not?! If you are bored with quarantine routine, do something unusual and you will feel like you visited Disneyland with your parents. Well, almost.

It’s a hard time for all people all over the world now, but I’m 100% sure we will get through it, become stronger, and eventually tell our grandchildren about this experience.

https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/alone-together-coronavirus-around-the-world-russia/feed/ 0
独自在一起:世界各地的冠状病毒(日本) https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/alone-together-coronavirus-around-the-world-japan/ https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/alone-together-coronavirus-around-the-world-japan/#respond 星期一,27 Apr 2020 17:44:37 +0000 雷切尔·利加里 CultureGrams 一般 冠状病毒 日本 https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/?p=36332 世界从未如此团结,即使这种团结的力量是孤立。本文是由CultureGrams编辑创建的系列文章的一部分,该系列文章提供了冠状病毒大流行对不同国家个人影响的第一手报道。今天这一期的作者是安德鲁,一个住在日本横滨的人。& # 160;[& # 8230;]







3密 日语

密閉 (Mippei,封闭空间)

密集 (米舒,拥挤的地方)

密接 (Missetsu,密切接触)



Food establishments such as McDonald’s have posted social distancing signs and supply disinfectant at their entrances but remain open for dining in.


Unlike in the states, Japan’s school year starts in early April. As of the middle of February, students in coronavirus-heavy areas have not been going to school. It first started with a two-week hiatus, but as of now students across all of Japan will not be seeing their classrooms until May 7th. This means students did not have graduation or welcoming ceremonies and have not officially started the new school year yet. While some schools have adapted online remote teaching, the new school year has made that far more difficult to establish.

I did remote teaching for the last two weeks of my previous job. While hesitant at first, I have to say it was far more effective and rewarding than I ever imagined. The school I was working at was incredibly fast to launch the online program, as they treated coronavirus quite seriously from the start. Transitioning jobs during this pandemic has been far from optimal though. My “few weeks off sabbatical” has turned into a period of anxiety. Between getting a new job, finding an apartment, moving into said apartment, and ending the lease on the previous one, there was a lot of train travel through Tokyo–again, not ideal. Though now that I’m settled in, I consider myself very fortunate to a) have an incredible patient and understanding girlfriend and to b) to be working for such an understanding new team.

Every day the world’s stage shifts. As the cases increase every day, I constantly wonder if Japan will initiate a quarantine lock-down like many countries have already. Will my first new class start on May 7th? When will I see my friends and family face-to-face again? When will the world recover? Will I start remembering what day it is again? Hard to say. In my lifetime, I have never seen such a prolonged calamity as this one. Regardless of where you are in the world, when this fiasco ends we will have to respond to do our best to prevent either a round or two or to prevent another pandemic from happening like this again. After all, humans always learn from past catastrophes . . . right?

https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/alone-together-coronavirus-around-the-world-japan/feed/ 0
赞比亚一名幼儿接受#安全之手挑战,以预防COVID-19 https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/zambian-toddler-takes-on-safehands-challenge-to-prevent-covid-19/ https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/zambian-toddler-takes-on-safehands-challenge-to-prevent-covid-19/#respond 星期五,17 Apr 2020 16:10:42 +0000 雷切尔·利加里 CultureGrams 冠状病毒 赞比亚 https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/?p=36327 洗手从来没有这么可爱过。Frank Kabaso的视频



https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/zambian-toddler-takes-on-safehands-challenge-to-prevent-covid-19/feed/ 0
独自在一起:世界各地的冠状病毒(德国) https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/alone-together-coronavirus-around-the-world-germany/ https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/culturegrams/alone-together-coronavirus-around-the-world-germany/#respond Wed, 15 Apr 2020 22:07:05 +0000 雷切尔·利加里 CultureGrams 冠状病毒 https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/?p=36312 世界从未如此团结,即使这种团结的力量是孤立。本文是由CultureGrams编辑创建的系列文章的一部分,该系列文章提供了冠状病毒大流行对不同国家个人影响的第一手报道。今天的分期付款是由住在德国汉堡的雅妮娜写的。& # 160;[& # 8230;]


https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/general/sound-sources-for-coronavirus-information/ https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/general/sound-sources-for-coronavirus-information/#respond 周一4月13日2020 16:16:40 +0000 雷切尔·利加里 一般 冠状病毒 时事yobet真人vip https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/?p=36300 在不确定时期,我们能做的最重要的事情之一就是寻找可靠的信息来源。关于目前的全球冠状病毒大流行,我们能控制的事情太少了,但有一件事是我们可以牢牢控制的,那就是通过选择声源保持知情。[…] < p > < a href = " hyobetvip官网ttps://blogs.proquest.com/general/sound-sources-for-coronavirus-information/attachment/whosearchblogpost/ " rel =“附件wp -丙氨酸- 36301”> < img类=“aligncenter大号wp -图像- 36301“src = " https://blogs.proquest.com/wp content/uploads/2020/04/whosearchblogpost - 1024 x683.jpg“alt = "宽度= " 1024 "高度= " 683 "srcset="https://yobetvip官网blogs.proquest.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/whosearchblogpost-1024x683.jpg 1024w, https://blogs.proquest.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/whosearchblogpost-300x200.jpg 300w, https://blogs.proquest.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/whosearchblogpost-768x512.jpg 768w, "在充满不确定性的yobetvip官网时期,我们能做的最重要的事情之一就是寻找可靠的信息来源。在当前的全球冠状病毒大流行中,我们能控制的事情很少,但有一件事是我们牢牢控制的,那就是通过选择声音来源来获取信息。关于国际形势的最好资料之一是由约翰霍普金斯大学出版的。他们的全球地图列出了按国家划分的确诊病例数量,并包括死亡人数和康复人数。它每天更新多次,并依赖世界卫生组织(世卫组织)疾病预防控制中心,州和国家卫生部门,以及媒体报道。你可以点击地图上的红点来调出所有特定国家的信息。

CDC汇编美国病例信息,并每日更新其COVID-19网站该页面还链接到广泛的相关信息,包括每周covid- view报告中按年龄分组的住院情况。

Finally, there is a very engaging social distancing scoreboard created by Unacast, a private company,  that rates the performance of each county in the United States on the key indicator of reducing non-essential travel. What grade does your community get?

As you consider other potential sources of information, here are some questions to ask yourself to help you to evaluate the reliability of the site, publication, or source:

  • What is the source of this information? Where does it come from? What is the track record of this source for providing reliable information in the past?
  • How current is the information being presented? Is it out of date? What has happened since this article or item was written?
  • Is the information being presented factual or opinion? Does the writer have an agenda or point of view that they are promoting through this article or site?
  • Who pays for the creation and maintenance of the site or publication? How do they support themselves? Could those relationships affect the information presented?
  • Are multiple views or sources of information presented by the site or publication? Are differing credible perspectives given equal attention and respectful treatment?

All of us on the ProQuest team are continuing to work through the crisis to ensure that our products meet the needs of our customers and to provide the best possible information to support learning at every level. You can count on us for reliable information today and every day.

Rose Likins

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