TDIH:Thurgood Marshall证实了最高法院

“I believe he earned his appointment. He deserves the appointment. He’s the best qualified by training and by very valuable service to the country. I believe it’s the right thing to do, the right time to do it, the right man, and the right place.”–总统Lyndon Johnson.那on nominating Thurgood Marshall to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court

“旧否则旧的真相很小,人们不能立即平等。法律不仅提供具体的福利;无论如何,他们甚至可以改变男人的心脏 - 有些人 - 为了好或邪恶。“-Thurgood Marshall.

Thurgood Marshall.(on telephone), President Lyndon B. Johnson, 6/13/1967
由Yoichi R. Okamoto / White House照片办公室

今日五十年前,1967年8月30日,Thurgood Marshall提名美国最高法院是confirmed由参议院,使他成为第一个担任土地最高法院的正义的非洲裔美国。马歇尔对美国的公民权利产生了持久和重大影响。他争辩并赢得了案件,后来从替补席上写出了对民族的拆迁和种族不公正的法律。

Marshall was born in马里兰州巴尔的摩,on July 2, 1908, the great-grandson of a slave. He attended the racially segregated public schools there graduating from high school in 1925, then went on to the historically black林肯大学in Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, graduating with honors in 1930. He then applied to the all-white University of Maryland Law School but was否认入场因为他是黑色的。这次活动继续引导他未来的专业生活。他被另一个历史上的黑人学校接受了霍华德大学法学院in Washington, D.C., that same year. He received his law degree in 1933, graduating first in his class (magna cum laude).

Between 1934 and 1961, as an attorney for the NAACPMarshall traveled throughout the United States, representing clients in many different disputes involving questions of racial justice. Marshall’s first major civil rights case came in 1936 when he successfully sued the University of Maryland for their unfair admissions policy.Murray v. Pearson是第一个旨在破坏美国种族隔离的法律依据。

He arguedthirty-two cases在最高法院之前,比历史上的任何其他人都多,并赢得了一个令人惊讶的二十九岁。他在高等法院的第一次胜利于1940年。Chambers v。佛罗里达州demonstrated that police brutality and coerced confessions were a violation of the 14th Amendment’s right to due process. Other notable cases wereSmithv。Allwright(1944年),这使得所谓的白色初级(在该党控制州政府的国家中,禁止民主党的黑人的做法),雪莱v。Kraemer(1948年),禁止国家法院强制执行种族限制性房地产契约,以及地标案棕色v。Topeka教育委员会which invalidated state-enforced racial segregation in the public schools.

1961年,总统约翰F.肯尼迪appointed him to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, where he wrote over 150 decisions. None of his 98多数决策由最高法院逆转。

1965年,总统Lyndon B. Johnson.named him律师将军美国,另一个种族。律师将军代表美国。当它由公司或个人起诉时。他在1967年之前送达,约翰逊提名他最高法院,赢得19中的14个案件他争辩说。

在他在最高法院的24年里,正义马歇尔在一个由保守派统治的法院是一个直言不讳的自由主义,通常在少数群体中投票。他一直投票支持性别和种族肯定的行动政策。他也在各种情况下对法院拒绝推翻死刑判决,以及反对限制堕胎权利的所有努力。他认为,宪法要求政府向大家提供某些福利 - 包括教育,法律服务和访问法院 - 无论他们支付他们的能力。他成功地在妇女,儿童,无家可归者和囚犯的法律下制造了新的保护。

On June 27, 1991, Marshall announced his intention to退休来自法院。乔治总统H.W.布什提名了43岁的黑色保守派Clarence Thomasto replace him a week later. Marshalldiedof heart failure in Bethesda, Maryland on January 24, 1993, at the age of 84.

To learn more about Justice Marshall, navigate to these websites available on SIRS Knowledge Source:

Justice for All: The Legacy of Thurgood Marshall


Thurgood Marshall.: American Revolutionary

Or direct your students to theSIRS Knowledge Sourcefeature on the美国最高法院. Students can browse editorially-selected cases by Constitutional Articles & Amendments, or by Topic. This feature includes a list of Landmark Cases by category, profiles of the current Justices, as well as biographical information on all the Justices who have served on the Court throughout history, including Justice Marshall. A glossary, a graphic that explains how the Court is organized, supplementary references with links to related articles in the product, and a link to the official U.S. Supreme Court website are also provided. An additional link includes the text of the U.S. Constitution.

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Becky Beville.

Works on content forSIRS Issues Researcher and 埃里亚特产品。

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