11 Facts About September 11

On September 11, 2001, the world changed forever when al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four American airliners and used them to carry out the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history.

Here are 11 facts about September 11 that you may or may not know:

纽约城消防员于2001年9月12日在恐怖主义袭击事件后,2001年9月12日在2001年9月12日在黎明时观看了世界贸易中心的废墟。(Credit: Jim Macmillan/Philadelphia Daily News/MCT)
Image by Jim Macmillan/Philadelphia Daily News/MCT via ProQuest SIRS Issues Researcher

1.共有2,977人被杀 - 包括乘客,船员,19艘劫机者,乘坐四个飞机,世界贸易中心建筑物和五角大楼。也造成的是343纽约市消防员,23名纽约市警察和37名正在回应袭击的港务局官员。另外10,000人受到伤害,许多人认真对待。

2.Ben Sliney was on his first day on the job as the FAA’s National Operations Manageron September 11. Shortly after the attacks, he made the decision to ground all aircraft within the continental U.S., and all aircraft already in flight were told to land immediately. Within four hours, almost 4,500 planes had safely landed. For the first time in history, the entire airspace over the U.S. and Canada was closed except for military, police, and medical flights, and civilian air traffic was not allowed to resume until September 13, 2001.

3.In the days following the attacks most skyscrapers in major cities across the United States were closed, along with State capitols and many government buildings surrounding them, as well as many U.S. landmarks. The stock market closed for four trading days after the attacks. Most major sporting events were canceled or postponed until after Sept 16–including Major League Baseball, NFL and collegiate football games, NASCAR races, and the 2001 Ryder Cup of golf.

4.A third skyscraper–World Trade Center Building 7–a 47-story building and one of the largest in downtown Manhattan—also fell during the attacks. The building was the site of the command center of the city’s Office of Emergency Management.

5.Only 291 dead bodies were recovered “intact” from Ground Zero.


7.The国土安全部was created in response to the attacks. It merged 22 governmental agencies into one, including the Customs Service, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the U.S. Coast Guard and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

8.Cleanup at Ground Zero officially ended on May 30, 2002. It took 3.1 million hours of labor to clean up 1.8 million tons of debris. The total cost of the cleanup was $750 million.

9.According to the Office ofChief Medical Examiner of the City of New York,of the 2,753 people reported missing at the World Trade Center, 1,115 victims, or 41 percent of the total, have not been identified as of May 10, 2014.

10。TheNational September 11 Memorial Museumopened on May 21, 2014, in New York City.


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9/11: Timeline of Events

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

Remembering 9/11


Becky Beville

Becky Beville

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