June 5, 2019 blog

Find out the new method without DRM content

Help sponsors more easily and quickly find drm-free title.

Help sponsors more easily and quickly find drm-free title.

ProQuest in Ebook Central provided more than 170000 kinds of the title, not print, copy or download limit, now use the new search function to find nothingDigital rights management (DRM)The content of the easier.

Through the three steps in the center of the ebook on faster and more easily found no DRM content:

1. Open the advanced search

2. According to the state of books screening

3. Select "infinite copy, print, and download"

Yes, that's it!If you want the title is not available, the center of the ebook almost all title offers drm-free chapter download function.

Librarians, free from the ProQuest DRM title list - a convenient resources, used to determine your collection.Apply the latest list, and consult your booksExperts, or login to LibCentral immediately download!

To have the question without DRM content?Contact us orLearn about e-books.
