ETD Admin

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We will read every post, although we may not be able to respond to every idea or comment submitted. This information will provide our development team with valuable input on priorities for ETD Admin improvements.

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  1. 将经过身份验证的Orcid ID功能添加到ETD管理员

    目前,Orcid的表单字段需要手动输入ORCID ID。这离开了错误和拼写的空间,并且不允许在orcid和ETD系统之间传输数据。

    proquest应该在一个选项中建立用于使用公共或成员Orcid API来收集经过身份验证的Orcid ID以及ETD提交的ID,从而确保收集的orcid ID是准确的。

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  2. Customization of revision emails


    (2)自动插入记录信息的沸腾erplate subject lines. To avoid getting a ton of emails with identical subject lines, I edit the subject by hand. Automatically piping the author's surname (or, ideally,…

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  3. Add a a saved default feature in the "Fields to include in the report" section for running reports.

    I would like to be able create a saved configuration option in the report section, so that I don’t need to select the fields I need each time I run a report

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  4. Send confirmation email when students submit revisions

    确认电子邮件正在发送第一次提交稿件的学生。但是,当他们提交修订时,他们目前尚未发送任何确认。这是我获得的最常见问题之一,就是关于proquest etd admin。学生期望在提交修订时收到一封电子邮件,因为它们是第一次获得一个,并且可能恐慌而无法恐慌。如果可以添加这一点,它将减轻大量的压力和困惑在他们的部分和不必要的工作中。I know my predecessor requested it and I have also requested it…

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  5. Checklist Page-Check All Option

    On the checklist page, is it possible to add a "Check All" box option at the top of the page. It is time consuming and annoying to have to individually check off 25 boxes (for our particular list).

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  6. Increase active area of "View all admin notes" link

    许多年来,回去的日子Marlene Coles was with ProQuest, I kept asking that the active area for the link "View all admin notes" (in the 'Admin notes: ' box ) be made larger. As it is, the text is small, the link is small and you have to VERY CAREFULLY get the mouse on the active area of the link to be able to click it. We make extensive use of the 'Admin notes:' and I spend half my time trying to click the link. I don't expect anything to be done, but…

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  7. 创建ETD提交Windows

    We have very strict dates during which students can submit their thesis or dissertation each term. It would be nice to be able to set up submission start/end dates so that students can submit their ETD only during that term's submission window. However, students who already made a submission within the window but require additional changes outside that window, should be able to continue making updates until the admin approves the ETD.

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  8. Create a Student Checklist

    In addition to the checklist that admins use, it would be nice for the admin to be able to create a student checklist that the student must check off before a thesis/dissertation can be submitted for review.

    例如,我们的学生必须在稿件中包含签名标题页,或者他们必须包含签名/日期的机构图书馆版本等。这个“可操作”的清单可以是所需提交要求的一部分,所以必须由学生允许学生提交稿件进行审查。This will cut down on a lot of “decision”…

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  9. 允许学生查看清单


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  11. ETD Author Writing Toolkit

    Add support for, or integration with, an author tool that would allow me to focus on creating quality content, and worry less about formatting.

    • provide base formatting templates, including customer "sanctioned" versions for my university

    • support for committed reviews of drafts

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    under review · 1 comment · Other ·Flag idea as inappropriate… ·admin→
  12. Include the Publication Number in a submission's XML data

    艾米莉公里<> from the SUNY University at Albany has requested that a submission's Dissertation/thesis number be included in the XML file we deliver to their institutional repository. They need a number/identifier that ties all their systems together. Between the ProQuest database, their Alma catalog and their repository, the first two have the Dissertation/thesis number associated with their content but they don't have it in their institutional repository.

    Doug Schnur – Technical Support Analyst
    ProQuest | 789 E. Eisenhower Parkway | Ann Arbor, MI USA 48106-1346 +1-800-889-3358

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  13. 添加其他判定状态以注册决策功能

    It would be verify helpful to have more options that "Minor Revisions Required", "Major Revisions Required", and "Accept" as the Decision options. Having at least one option such as "ProQuest requirement complete; Additional requirements pending" is needed. Students quite often have requirements outside of the ProQuest system that must be completed before we can finalize their dissertation in the ProQuest system but they have already completed the revisions in ProQuest. When students see "Minor Revisions Requested" as the status on their already revised dissertation, it is extremely confusing to them.

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  14. Requests to add Additional Subject Categories


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  15. Allow note/s to be added to reports

    There's information that would be easy to get during the evaluation/approval process, that you need later on, so you need to look it up again. Being able to export the notes field, or better yet, adding one or more notes fields specifically for reporting purposes, would be so helpful.

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  16. doi

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  17. Allow deletion of records of certain status

    It's not uncommon for students to stop a submission in progress, and then when they return, start a new submission rather than continue the old one. It's also not uncommon, at my institution, for students to submit items that actually are not theses/dissertations (we have a different submission mechanism for those). Being able to completely delete these records (a check-box validation could be included) would be very handy.

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  18. 将更多字段添加到“报告”选项

    It seems reasonable that any field related to the given ETD should be available to reports, but personally, abstracts and admin notes would be the fields I would find most useful.

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  19. 自动交付预定的ETDS


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  20. Accommodate pre-2005 Submission & Acceptance Dates

    在Proquest Proforma中论文提交和接受,日期框只回到2005年。我无法输入1999年的日期。

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