2022年1月14日 yobetvip官网博客, Academic, Community College, 政府, 管理员, Faculty, Librarian

Libraries Empower Researchers to Take on Today’s Global Challenges

Vast data sets. Collaborative tools. Researcher-centric technology

According to the results of a recent survey from Library Journal/ProQuest, now part of Clarivate, librarians ranked “Research Excellence” as one of the most important factors contributing to an institution’s mission. Libraries recognize they must support researchers charged with the vital work of deepening understanding, promoting awareness and developing solutions for our most pressing global challenges, like climate change, human rights and infectious disease.

有远见的人,建筑师和创新者,他们带领前进的前进,更可持续,公平和健康的未来can’t do it without libraries。Libraries are not only committed to providing and preserving crucial data and information required by scholars; they also provide critical tools and resources to simplify workflows, foster collaboration, discover opportunities and disseminate output so researchers can focus on what matters: their research.

However, supporting these areas of research can be difficult because global challenges are:

    • 跨学科和复杂。解决方案需要信息和知识以及许多不同领域的意见和观点,例如STEM,商业,社会科学,教育,经济学和艺术。图书馆的收藏必须支持跨学科的研究和学习。
    • Interdependent。Advancement doesn’t occur in a vacuum. Radical discovery and development depend on great minds working together and building on each other over time. Libraries have a role in fostering collaboration among global communities of scholars.
    • Urgent。Covid-19,网络安全和极端天气等问题需要立即关注。图书馆必须在这些领域提供最新的相关见解,信息,发现和发展,以及简化工作流程的工具,以便研究人员可以快速,精确地工作。

At ProQuest, we share libraries’ commitment to addressing global challenges. Our company has evolved over the decades to become an edtech leader because我们知道未来取决于世界一流的研究人员的工作 - 以及支持他们的图书馆。As your partner, we can help you provide:

    • 涵盖了几个世纪的报纸,论文,期刊,主要来源,视频,电子书等数百年来的收藏,以确保访问各种内容类型和深层数据集,因此研究人员可以分析各个方面和角度,例如全球变暖,人权和数字鸿沟等主题。
    • 可以帮助图书馆将重点放在研究人员及其成就上的软件,并使他们能够与同行建立联系和合作,传播奖学金并发现资金机会。
    • 从分析大量数据或自动化参考支持和文档管理,到促进屡获殊荣的平台上最注重激光的搜索和发现,简化了研究过程的工作流量工具。

Responding to global crises requires all hand on deck. At ProQuest, we know where we stand: behind world-changing researchers and the libraries who support them. Learn more about how we can work together in我们的全球挑战initiative.