07 May 2022 Blogs, 学术的, Librarian, 学院, 学生/研究员, ,,,, ,,,,


Spoiler alert: students “love” their libraries – but there’s room for improvement in supporting course success


Are they using the library primarily in-person, online or both?

What are some areas where libraries could improve their services for students?

这些只是最近的一些问题图书馆杂志学生图书馆使用调查were designed to answer. Conducted in partnership with ProQuest, part of Clarivate, this survey sampled more than 400 U.S. undergraduates currently enrolled in four-year and two-year college programs, who attended either in-person, online, or a combination of both.


Unsurprisingly, results revealed students have various relationships with libraries depending on field of study, as well as whether they attend classes remotely, in-person or a combination of both. However, despite these variables, the survey also uncovered several consistent findings, including the generally positive perceptions students have of their libraries, the kinds of library resources that are most in demand, and the role of the library in supporting course work.


    1. 好消息:学生喜欢他们的图书馆


      Respondents were given a list of words and asked to select the one most relevant to their library experience. “Welcoming” was the top response, selected by 46 percent of the students survey, followed by “helpful” (42%), “quiet” (30%), “engaging” (29%), and “reliable” by (23%). Only a small number of respondents selected terms that could be considered negative.

      Additionally, respondents were asked “what more could your library be doing to help you?” and invited students to write in their answers. Recurring comments included suggestions like “be open more hours,” “update technology,” “better navigational aids” (both in-person and online), “more resources/books/ebooks,” “more staff,” and “have quiet areas”—or, alternatively, “have group study areas.”


    2. 如何使用图书馆以及改进的机会

      When it came visiting the library in person or online, students reported they used it to access digital resources (61%), as a study space (48%), and to conduct research for a course assignment or project (44%).

      Ebooks topped the type of resource most sought by students (52% of respondents), followed by textbooks or other course reserves (52%), and databases (50%). More than twice as many students accessed electronic journals as did print journals (43% vs. 21%). Print books are reportedly used by a third of students and streaming film and video was viewed by a quarter.


      大多数受访者(84%)表示relev的数量ant articles and content available to them was “excellent “or good” and (84%) said the ease-of-use of electronic platforms and features was excellent or good. Students indicated less satisfaction with how well the library’s electronic resources integrate with their course, with nearly half ranking them as “good” (46%) and fewer “excellent” (34%).

    3. Opportunities for libraries to support coursework

      要求学生评估他们开始进行课堂作业或论文的研究过程研究的容易或困难。在七点尺度上,将近一半(47%)给出5、6或7个评分(在量表的困难端)。超过三分之一的35%,使自己处于量表的轻松范围(1、2或3个评分)。大约18%的人在中间给出了“ 4”评级。

      More than half of respondents (58%) reported that the pandemic made it more difficult to succeed in their coursework with two-thirds (70%) agreeing that it made engaging in class more challenging.

      Just over a third (35%) noted they accessed library materials through a course reading list, indicating room for growth in this area. Faculty and librarians may find opportunities for collaboration through tools like the莱干资源列表管理解决方案。这些工具可以使通过图书馆交付课程材料,从而降低成本以及更好地支持在线,校园和混合学习。

Read the survey report从图书馆日记中完整或了解有关参与每个学生Proquest的主动性,Clarivate的一部分。该计划旨在通过为每个学生(无论是在线,校园还是在混合学习环境中)开发吸引人的学习经验来促进学术上的成功。