01 July 2021 Blogs, 学术的, Librarian, 学院



Researchers at Stanford University were already familiar with something called the “diversity paradox.”

多样性悖论是来自各种背景和观点的人可以加速创新,因为“历史上持久的团体往往会汲取传统上错过或忽视的想法和概念之间的关系,”最近在他们的研究中指出“多样性 - 创新悖论”在科学中。“


With this in mind, the team from Stanford’s Graduate School of Education, Department of Computer Science and Department of Linguistics wondered if the diversity paradox also applies in the sciences.


使用文本分析和机器学习(通过ProquestTDM Studio), the research team explored three key areas:

  • How do we detect scientific innovations?
  • Are underrepresented groups more likely to generate scientific innovations?
  • Are the innovations of underrepresented groups adopted and rewarded?

“Our analyses show that underrepresented groups produce higher rates of scientific novelty,” the Stanford team concluded. “However, their novel contributions are devalued and discounted.”




阅读论文完整,由PNA(美国国家科学院的诉讼程序)于2020年出版,或学习关于斯坦福大学和其他大学的研究者如何are mining ProQuest dissertations using the TDM Studio analysis tools to uncover patterns and trends in advanced scholarship.

该研究是斯坦福大学计算机科学研究生院和斯坦福大学语言学系之间的合作努力。荷兰研究员博士荷兰拉丁德大学助理教授B. Hofstra博士。斯坦福大学教育和社会学教授们携手合作,与丹尼尔麦克法拉州一起工作。本文由三个NSF拨款和荷兰科学研究组织的一个授权支持(现在授予)。