15 December 2021 yobetvip官网博客, Academic, Community College, 图书馆员 Faculty


Research shows that engaged students perform better…and libraries play a central role in ensuring their long-term success

Student engagement isdefinedas a “student’s psychological investment in and effort directed toward learning, understanding, or mastering the knowledge, skills, or crafts that academic work is intended to promote.”

这是一个漫长的句子,有一个重要的后果:敬业的学生表现更好 - 并在学术界及其他方面获得更多成功。

As the center of teaching and learning on- and off-campus, the academic library plays a critical role in ensuring their students stay engaged. According to a 2021 Library Journal/Ex Libris民意调查, librarians strongly agree: student engagement and retention rank as the two most important ways a library contributes to an institution’s mission.

挑战是虚拟和混合学习的涌入,这使参与变得更加困难 - 研究showthat student performance in courses from their homes or dorms may be significantly lower than in face-to-face classes – yet even更多的crucial.

student at a computer


How can libraries help engage students?


  • 令人信服的电子内容激励您的学生学习:Electronic content, such as streaming video and ebooks, is no longer a nice-to-have – it’s now a must-have. For students to benefit from the library in online environments, this content must be compelling, easy to use and varied – with materials like video, ebooks, news, journals and dissertations.
  • 支持所有学习风格和偏好:Especially for distance and hybrid learners, this varied content needs to be accessible anywhere, anytime, on any device – in formats designed for all learning preferences.
  • 真的连接学习课程的学生:Interconnected systems, open-web entry and LMS integrations can eliminate technical frustrations, giving students direct access to content without leaving their course environments. Course reading list solutions promote active learning, and library apps can deliver a personalized digital experience.


Working with a partner like ProQuest, Part of Clarivate, provides your library with the tools, resources and expertise to develop engaging learning experiences forevery student- 无论是在线还是在校园。从内容到交付方法,ProQuest的工具可以帮助学生进行学术旅程 - 今天以及未来。

Learn moreabout solutions to engage every student from ProQuest, Part of Clarivate.