2019年5月29日 Blogs, 学术的, 社区大学, Librarian, 学院, 学生/研究员



Courtney Suciu





对这个问题的愤世嫉俗的答案可能是“数百万美元的行业”,如2014年的标题中所示时代1伦敦。该作品的主题是安迪·普迪科姆(Andy Puddicombe),他是蜂蜜唱的前佛教和尚(马戏团艺术学位),他创立了流行的冥想应用程序“顶空”。该应用于2012年启动,当时“正念”无处不在,因为时代作家波莉·弗农(Polly Vernon)指出:

The US Marine Corps, faced with record suicide rates, runs a pilot project that builds mindfulness into basic training. Corporations have begun offering mindfulness training as part of their employment packages, to increase concentration levels and reduce the time employees take off on stress-related sick leave. Google has a dedicated mindfulness training camp in California; employees get access to a seven-week training course.

毫不奇怪,在这种正念躁狂症中,该应用程序在头18个月内被下载了全球一百万次,它成为了Gwyneth Paltrow和Emma Watson等名人的宠儿。




他声称“认识到我们的生活经历是由我们的看法定义的 - 我们追逐或坚持我们认为使我们快乐的事物,同时逃避我们认为使我们不快乐的事物。”



Examining the evidence

In a review published in the journal Psychotherapy3,达芙妮·戴维斯(Daphne Davis)和杰弗里·海斯(Jeffrey Hayes)问:“正念和广告一样好吗?”为了回答这个问题,作者研究了研究文献中关于基于正念的干预措施在心理治疗中的优势的经验证据。

Defining mindfulness as “a moment by moment awareness of one’s experience without judgement,” Davis and Hayes noted that while such a state “might be promoted by certain practices or activities (e.g. meditation) it is not equivalent or synonymous with them.” This is an important distinction because, as the authors pointed out, different kinds of meditation styles (such as concentration, which might involve, for example, focusing on a mantra) “elicit different brain activity patterns.”

“Mindfulness meditation more than concentrative forms of mediation has been shown to stimulate the middle prefrontal brain associated with both self-observation and metacognition, and foster specific attentional mechanisms,” they explained.




Evidence also supports claims that mindfulness meditation supports improvements in cognitive function, according to Davis and Hayes. These gains include “increased processing speed, decreased task effort and having few thoughts unrelated to the task at hand.


How to practice mindfulness

在千禧一代的视频正念中4,社会工作者艾米丽·戴利(Emily Dailey)解释了数字时代的生活如何促进“焦虑,抑郁,强迫症,成瘾以及与我们自己和我们的生活的联系”的不断增长。

“We are information junkies,” she said, “and our brains are definitely full.”

Mindfulness meditation can give our brains a rest from taking in new information, worrying, working or trying to accomplish anything, resulting in the benefits explored in the section above. But what do we need to get started?



接下来,Dailey她端闭上眼睛,relax while shifting her awareness to the breath coming in and out of her body. Dailey then instructed:


All thoughts to enter the mind were to come and go while Melissa’s attention remained grounded by the breath rather flitting around such distractions as what to have for dinner, who liked an Instagram photo, or how to resolve a conflict at work.

Dailey continued to instruct Melissa to recall a difficult emotional experience, such as a recent disappointment or frustration. The feeling is envisioned as rough and stormy surface waters. But instead of reacting to the stormy emotions, Dailey encouraged her client to find a sense of calm in her grounded breath. “And simply be with whatever feeling is there without needing to change it or make it go away.”



  1. How Did a Former Buddhist Monk Turn a Meditation App Into the Lifestyle Tool of 2014? Polly Vernon Meets Andy Puddicombe, the Brit Who's Transformed 'Mindfulness' Into a Multimillion-Dollar Business: WHAT DOES HAPPINESS FEEL LIKE?(2014年2月8日)。时代。可从ProQuest CentralandProquest One Academic
  2. Puddicombe, A. (2019, Mar 11).Mindfulness is not a fad。试试看。波士顿环球报(在线的)。可从ProQuest CentralandProquest One Academic
  3. Davis,D.M。和Hayes,J。A.(2011)。正念有什么好处?与心理治疗有关的研究的实践评论心理治疗:理论/研究/实践/培训,48(2),198-208。可从PsycARTICLES
  4. 微培养合伙人(生产者)。(2017)。Mindfulness For Millennials[视频文件]。可从在线学术视频andProquest One Academic


Courtney Suciu是Proquest的主要博客作家。她的爱包括图书馆,识字和研究与艺术和人文科学有关的非凡故事。她拥有英语文学的硕士学位以及教学,新闻和市场营销的背景。跟随她的@quirkysuciu