2017年8月15日 , Acadêmico, FaculdadesComunitárias, BibliotecaPública, K-12.

消息Provides Unique Context & Insights Across the Curriculum

Spanning topics in every subject, news resources are essential for all students and scholars.

Because coverage is so diverse, newspapers are invaluable to all researchers. They contain a breadth of content that is relevant to just about every subject matter, across the curriculum. Spanning topics in history, politics, the arts, business, science and so much more, newspapers are an essential primary source for student and scholars – from beginning to advanced – seeking information on current issues and historical events.
Additionally, news content keeps researchers connected to current affairs. This puts them in touch with new developments and opportunities in topical subject areas, and develops an awareness for the wider impact of their work within their field, as well in the world at large.
- 博士候选人Zack Turpin揭开了一系列19世纪的男士健身文章,由MOSE VELSOR标题为“Manly Health” - 美国诗人Walt Whitman的假名。Putquest历史报纸的粉丝,Tutpin搜索了“MOSE Velsor”,他的研究结果证明了解Whitman职业生涯中的关键时期。
- 通过突出非洲裔美国经验的日常细节,Matt Delmont教授创建了一个受好评的数字项目,“黑色码师”,填充了在Proquest历史黑色报纸计划中数字化的报纸中的档案文章。“阅读黑色报纸是一种富裕的历史,斗争是日常生活的一部分,但在人民的思想中并不总是占主导地位,”他说。
- 作为头层图书管理员The Boston Globe, Lisa Tuite’s research helped unmask a major cover-up involving sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. The investigation earned the newspaper the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service and the story informed the 2015 Oscar-winning crime drama, Spotlight, starring Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo and Michael Keaton.
- 地方历史参考图书管理员上市Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County used the Cincinnati Enquirer database from ProQuest Historical Newspapers to trace the significance of a date engraved on an antique copper pot.
ProquestHistorical Newspapers is the definitive newspaper digital archive, encompassing 50 premier historical titles. Researchers are empowered to digitally travel back through centuries to become eyewitnesses to history.
每个标题的每个问题都包含完整的纸张,封面,以易于下载的PDF格式,具有全页和文章图像。研究人员可以通过这些历史报纸页面随着时间的推移研究问题的进展,包括文章,照片,广告,分类广告,ob告,编辑漫画,等等。Proquest HistallyMedpapers™的完整集合包含近4500万数字化页面。
全球新闻enables users to search the most recent global news content – with archives that stretch back into the 1980s – from over 2,500 news sources including newspapers, wires, digital-first news content, broadcast transcripts, and websites in full-text format. Global Newsstream provides one of the largest collections of news from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. There are no paywalls, and most content loads same day — usually by 8 AM U.S. Eastern time.





Because coverage is so diverse, newspapers are invaluable to all researchers. They contain a breadth of content that is relevant to just about every subject matter, across the curriculum. Spanning topics in history, politics, the arts, business, science and so much more, newspapers are an essential primary source for student and scholars – from beginning to advanced – seeking information on current issues and historical events.


Additionally, news content keeps researchers connected to current affairs. This puts them in touch with new developments and opportunities in topical subject areas, and develops an awareness for the wider impact of their work within their field, as well in the world at large.



    • - 博士候选人扎克粪通过MOSE VELSOR揭开了一系列19世纪的19世纪男士健身文章,“Manly Health”标题 - 美国诗人Walt Whitman的假名。Putquest历史报纸的粉丝,Tutpin搜索了“MOSE Velsor”,他的研究结果证明了解Whitman职业生涯中的关键时期。
    • - 突出非洲裔美国经验的日常细节,Matt Delmont教授创建了一个广受好评的数字项目,“黑色码,”填充来自在Proquest历史黑色报纸计划中数字化的报纸的档案文章。“阅读黑色报纸是一种富裕的历史,斗争是日常生活的一部分,但在人民的思想中并不总是占主导地位,”他说。
    • - 作为头层图书管理员The Boston Globe,Lisa Tuiteresearch helped unmask a major cover-up involving sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. The investigation earned the newspaper the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service and the story informed the 2015 Oscar-winning crime drama,聚光灯, starring Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo and Michael Keaton.


ProquestHistorical Newspapers是明确的报纸数码档案,包括50个尊贵历史冠军。研究人员能够通过几个世纪以来数字旅行,成为历史的目击者。

每个标题的每个问题都包含完整的纸张,封面,以易于下载的PDF格式,具有全页和文章图像。研究人员可以通过这些历史报纸页面随着时间的推移研究问题的进展,包括文章,照片,广告,分类广告,ob告,编辑漫画,等等。Proquest HistallyMedpapers™的完整集合包含近4500万数字化页面。

全球新闻enables users to search the most recent global news content – with archives that stretch back into the 1980s – from over 2,500 news sources including newspapers, wires, digital-first news content, broadcast transcripts, and websites in full-text format. Global Newsstream provides one of the largest collections of news from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. There are no paywalls, and most content loads same day — usually by 8 AM U.S. Eastern time.

这是来自源的最新消息的地方华尔街日报,纽约时报,华盛顿邮报,经济学家,监护人,ProPublicaon such breaking topics as fallout from white nationalist demonstration in Charlottesville, the North Korean Missile Crisis, the U.S. Russia investigation, and rising post-election tensions in Kenya.

找到更多about the changing information needs of researchers.