

Proquest历史黑色报纸提供了美国最杰出的非洲裔美国报纸的基本主要源内容,社论观点在美国最杰出的非洲裔报纸中的每一个都为研究人员提供了前所未有的前视权和信息,这些信息在主流来源中被排除或被边缘化。这些内容,包括文章,厌备,照片,编辑等,在研究赛车关系历史,新闻,地方和国家政治,教育,非洲裔美国研究以及许多多学科科目的研究中,可以轻松访问。审视哈莱姆文艺复兴的主要动作到公民权利,并探索所写的日常生活Chicago Defender,该Baltimore Afro-American,纽约阿姆斯特丹新闻,匹兹堡快递,Los Angeles Sentinel,亚特兰大日报世界,该Norfolk Journal and Guide,该Philadelphia Tribune,Cleveland Call and Post,和Michigan Chronicle.

Each of the ten Historical Black Newspapers are cross-searchable with all other ProQuest Historical Newspapers–including该New York Times,Chicago Tribune,和Los Angeles Times守护者- 研究人员从世界各地的多个地方评估历史。

该Proquestplatform offers powerful and easy-to-use tools, including complete cover to cover full-page and article images in easily downloadable PDF format, and the ability to search many different article types.


Users can study the progression of issues over time by browsing issues of the historic newspaper. These newspapers are an excellent record of fine points and facts that are overlooked elsewhere.




Beyond feature articles and breaking stories, users can find newspaper editorials, advertisements, cartoons, obituaries, birth records, marriage records, and classified ads that provide valuable information and contextual understanding into centuries of primary sources.

Research Across Large Spans of Time

Provides a comprehensive record of how stories unfold–and continue to unfold–over years and decades.



亚特兰大日常世界had the first black White House correspondent and was the first black daily in the nation in the 20th century.

该Baltimore Afro-American(1893-1988)
该most widely circulated black newspaper on the Atlantic coast. It was the first black newspaper to have correspondents reporting on World War II, foreign correspondents, and female sports correspondents.

Chicago Defender(1910-1975)
A leading African American newspaper, with more than two-thirds of its readership outside Chicago.

Cleveland Call and Post(1934-1991)
由Garrett Morgan,Inventor的防毒面具和红绿灯成立。贡献者包括注意记者查尔斯H. Loeb和John Fuster。该报纸以其对国防基金的信件,服装,邮票和捐款的支持而闻名。

Los Angeles Sentinel(1934-2005)
该oldest and largest black newspaper in the western United States and the largest African American owned newspaper in the U.S.

Michigan Chronicle(1936-2010)
Michigan Chronicle, founded in 1936, has continued to be a leading voice for Blacks in Detroit and beyond. Michigan Chronicle played a pivotal role in civil rights of the 20th century including its involvement in negotiations at the Attica Prison Riots in 1971 and its coverage of STRESS, the Detroit Police Department’s undercover unit that targeted African Americans and resulted in the death of 22 Black men.

20世纪20世纪世纪的领先黑人报纸在20世纪40年代达到了高峰。该Amsterdam Newswas a strong advocate for the desegregation of the U.S. military during World War II, and also covered the historically important Harlem Renaissance.

该Norfolk Journal and Guide(1916-2003)
该only black newspaper to provide on-the-scene, day-to-day coverage of the Scottsboro trial, and was one of the best researched and well written black newspapers of its time.

该Philadelphia Tribune(1912-2001)
该oldest continuously published black newspaper, is dedicated to the needs and concerns of the fourth largest black community in the U.S. During the 1930s the paper supported the growth of the United Way, rallied against the riots in Chester, PA, and continuously fought against segregation.

One of the most nationally circulated Black newspapers, the匹兹堡快递reached its peak in the 1930s. A conservative voice in the African American community, the匹兹堡快递挑战非洲裔美国人在国家媒体的歪曲和倡导的社会改革,以推进民权事业。

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黑色研究中心is a leading tool that supports research, teaching, and learning in Black Studies and other disciplines that benefit from a more detailed coverage of the black experience such as history, literature, political science, sociology, philosophy, and religion.



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