

There is increased demand to support students and researchers with access to insights and information from a wide variety of perspectives. Librarians tell us that addressing those needs challenge them in two ways: finding the content and then, finding space in the budget for it.

Through collections and services, academic libraries have a unique platform to support diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, ensuring representation of diverse users and reflecting every voice, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability or belief.

Not only are libraries committed to these principles – it is often libraries leading the way in their institution’s DEI initiatives. They’re doing this by:

  • 确保更公平和真实的代表性。教师依靠教学资源,以真实的,准确地描绘了那些目睹和生活的人的角度来看的事件和经验。yobet真人vip
  • Including voices that have been previously marginalized.Libraries are reevaluating their collections to ensure people who have not been represented are not only included but are easily discoverable and accessible.
  • Providing more opportunities to learn from diverse perspectives.Students and researchers need to understand the issues of today (and yesterday) to prepare for the world they will be entering tomorrow. This makes it necessary for them to be exposed to different backgrounds, experiences, identities and orientations.

教师和图书馆员也告诉我们这些努力可能具有挑战性。变化很难 - 即使它是令人兴奋,鼓舞人心,而且正确的事情。到位的系统已经存在很长一段时间,并且偏差往往是固有的,这使得难以看看教学,研究和学习如何更多样化和包容性。

Then there is the budget. Libraries and faculty are continually expected to do more with less – which makes it difficult to grow collections and services.

学到更多about how ProQuest is working to help on both fronts.

Diverse, inclusive content with an authentic voice

Proquest’s commitment to providing a rich selection of content that’s diverse and inclusive has deep roots. In early digitization projects we went directly to the source of alternative viewpoints, partnering with content providers like Real Times Media – publishers of the Chicago Defender. The result: broad, global access to unique collections and archives that provided counterpoints to mainstream narrative.

在随后的几十年中,我们建立在该模型上,扩大了我们的内容类型和伙伴关系 - 包括Naacp,非洲书籍新闻,公爵,Sproutflix,红十字会记录,土着卫生研究网络秘书处(AHRNETS),妇女的和平与自由联盟,美国共产党,Kinsey Institute Archive和图书馆,第三世界新闻,USC Shoah Foundation - 以书籍,视频,学术作品和主要来源为特色的目标。

Affordable solutions for diverse and inclusive content

No matter your budget, we can help you prioritize to feel confident that you’re spending where it will have the greatest impact. ProQuest’s teams of experts – librarians, analysts and subject matter specialists – can analyze your existing collection to reveal gaps and biases. Those insights can help make purchase decisions that align your collection to the immediate needs of your users and help you plan for your long-term collection goals.

从独特的访问模型和采购计划special pricing, title-matching and product bundles, there’s a wealth of options available to make your budget work harder for you.

Proquest’s commitment beyond diverse and inclusive products


在我们公司内部,我们的团队成员建立了代表女性的全球网络和联盟,LGBTQ +社区,种族多样性,心理健康等,为公司领导和机会提供指导雇员to make their voices heard.

We’re also opening important content, enabling libraries to provide free resources that build understanding.黑人自由在美国网站挣扎是一个开放资源,具有数千个主要的主要源文件,该文件在10月份首次亮相公民权利中的胜利和恢复力。此数据库可免费提供给所有数据库。



01 Dec 2020




To offset rising costs, many institutions are implementing Open Educational Resource (OER) programs.…



作为在线资源支持的必要性,支持远程和混合学习,图书馆员感受到压力。帮助构建一个适用于每个研究人员的库 - 即使在不确定性的时候。......


Literary Studies in the Era of Distance Learning



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