
这个建议来自John Wood博士- Professor, Rose State College

参加会议可以是一种愉快和有益的经验。较低级别的会议 - 地方和国家 - 往往有更高的验收率,而上层,尤其是区域会议,往往会在他们接受论文中吝啬。当他们来自未知数,即研究生,新教授和该领域的那些,这尤其如此。评估你抽象的人通常是教师成员,如果他们尚不认识你,你可能必须证明自己。你的抽象越有效,你可以在门口脚踏实地越有可能。您的第一次介绍越有效,您将来会越有可能被接受。

  • 提交您的论文。当你提交参加一个会议,你得福ite an effective abstract. However, you should not send an abstract too early. Wait until you have two things: your data and an analysis of it. Do not submit an abstract in the early stages of your data collection. Definitely, never submit your abstract if you have not started your study yet! However, you do not need to have your study fully completed by the time you submit. If you are not prepared, you might be embarrassed or have to pull out of the conference and your reputation will follow you.
  • 在两个或多个地方呈现相同的纸张?在多个会议上呈现相同的研究。重要的是要知道不同的受众将为您提供不同类型的反馈。当然,您应该重新抑制每份纸张来匹配特定会议的重点。同样,改变标题以反映这种特定的重新恢复。
  • 思考简单。会议演示通常在每个人完成后,在最终的Q&A的长度范围内的范围为15至20分钟。显然,您无法介绍您的整个研究文件,因此选择一个小型数据样本,可以单一点或简要摘要您的工作重要性。
  • Give your paper and/or information away。It is unlikely you will know how many people will attend a meeting, or how many may want your paper. If you bring a half a dozen copies of your paper, this is likely enough to satisfy most of the people who want a copy. If you run out, simply, make sure you have a business card to give out your contact information so you can email them a copy upon request. You never know whether one of these colleagues might want to give you feedback or become a coauthor in the future.
  • Goals。请记住,会议是关于:
  • Obtaining feedback to enhance your paper
  • 与未来的同事和/或雇主联网
  • Practicing and enhancing your presentation skills
  • 一个小目标可能是看到新的地方
  • Title。确保您的标题是信息性的,并清除演示文稿的所有关键要素(即,您的论点;一个关键概念,或者抓住你的东西,但仍然提供信息。不要太短或太长。标题可以与字幕耦合,并由结肠分开,以最大化其在短空间中的信息值。前:“第二次看第三方:纠正最高法院对选举的理解。”主要标题应该让您进入,并且副标题可以进一步描述您的论文。大多数人将读取标题以作出决定阅读它,聆听您的演示文稿或跳过它并继续下一届会议。让你的头衔有趣,脱颖而出。大多数人认为标题是无聊的,这篇论文也可能也是如此。
  • 在编写摘要后选择标题。写一个抽象力量,你可以清楚地思考和描述你的论文。在那次锻炼后,您可以做出明确,简洁,有趣的头衔。
  • Do not read directly from your paper。Practice a short presentation to fit the time you have to present. There is nothing worse than someone reading a paper while everyone sleeps. People know they can read your paper if you have copies or contact information.
  • 如果你有图表that are necessary to understand you points, make sure to print them off and pass them out so everyone can follow along.
  • 如果你的观众并不完美地了解您的主题,那么你可能必须解释关键概念。不要假设你的观众知道,或关心你的主题。如果可能,避免技术术语。观众越一般,你应该使用的劳动越多。
  • Make sure to arrive to your room early to ensure you have everything you need, i.e. screen, projector, PowerPoint, overhead projector, plug in for your laptop, etc. If you are the only one on your panel using PowerPoint, rethink whether you should. Check on these details before you leave for the conference.

