01 September 2021 yobetvip官网博客, 学术的, 图书馆员 Faculty

The 20th Anniversary of 9/11: Resources for Teaching and Learning


The deadliest terrorist attack in world history took place two decades ago this month. Many of us are old enough to remember every detail of that devastating day, while to others – including today’s K-12 and young higher-education students – the tragedy may feel like ancient history.

In the 20 years that have passed since that indelible date, we’ve read books, flipped through photos, poured over journal articles, watched news programs and documentaries, and taken in personal accounts of survivors to better understand what happened – and to prevent it from happening again. Searching for any term or phrase related to September 11 returns an overwhelming number of results, and as further developments emerge in the war on terrorism, the number of published materials continues to grow.

How can faculty, students and educators sort through this massive collection information for the best teaching and learning resources? To help, our product managers took a deep dive into ProQuest One Academic and curated a bibliography of multi-format, multi-disciplinary resources published over 20 years of history. (For some items, you may need to log into your ProQuest or library account.)

Thefull bibliography is on our LibGuide和includes 40 works. Here’s a sample:

Scholarly journal article


In the years following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, emergency first responders began experiencing a range of physical health and psychosocial impacts. The long-term physical impacts include musculoskeletal injuries, repetitive motion injuries, gait deterioration, and respiratory disorders. Psychosocial issues include posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, insomnia, support system fatigue, and addictive and risk-taking behaviors. These findings go some way to filling the current gap in the understanding on the long-term impact of 9/11 and to provide an important testimony of the “forgotten responders.”

Streaming video documentary

9/11: Before and After,第1部分第2部分

Former White House terrorism advisor Richard Clarke speaks with 60 MINUTES correspondent Lesley Stahl about the George W. Bush administration’s immediate response to September 11, 2001.


A Widow’s Walk: A Memoir of 9/11
玛丽安·丰塔纳(Marian Fontana);Simon&Schuster

2001年9月11日,玛丽安·丰塔纳(Marian Fontana)在世界贸易中心袭击中的精英队伍中失去了丈夫戴夫(Dave),这是布鲁克林精英队1的消防员。寡妇的步行始于那个命运的早晨,剧作家和喜剧演员玛丽安(Marian)成为寡妇,单身母亲和不太可能的激进主义者。通过这一切,玛丽安的不可抑制的幽默是她最好的盔甲,也是她浮力力量的证据。寡妇的步行以伟大的心和人性写作,是及时的纪念机会,也是对爱的损失和人类精神的韧性的永恒证明。


What to spare, what to share and where to begin with 9/11

对于美国的老师来说,(时间)几乎没有解决另一组令人困惑的问题:我们如何解决课堂上的可怕事件?yobet真人vip该课程对恐怖主义的历史和原因有了广泛的看法,其中9/11作为案例研究以及历史的其他例子 - 奥马格,慕尼黑奥运会大屠杀和俄克拉荷马州轰炸。

About ProQuest One Academic

ProQuest One Academic is the world’s largest curated collection of journals, ebooks, dissertations, news, video and primary sources. It brings together four of ProQuest’s core multi-disciplinary products – ProQuest Central, Academic Complete, Academic Video Online and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global – all cross-searchable on the same user-friendly, responsive, mobile-enabled ProQuest Platform.

Learn more.