15 July 2020 yobetvip官网博客, 学术的, Community College, K-12, Student/Researcher, Faculty, ,


How ProQuest’s Title Matching Service Helped a University Library Meet Users’ Urgent Needs – and Build Better E-resource Collections.

How ProQuest’s Title Matching Service Helped a University Library Meet Users’ Urgent Needs – and Build Better E-resource Collections

This academic year has brought unique challenges to colleges and universities around the world. As campuses had to close their doors to students and faculty amid a global pandemic, libraries had to quickly figure out how to best support teaching and learning in an online-only environment.

At California State University (CSU), Long Beach, the top priority was making required resources, including books and historical periodicals, immediately accessible to students, according to Collection Development Officer Tracy Gilmore.


她说:“ ​​Proquest的标题匹配是我们这样做的理想方法。”

Gilmore described the title-matching process as “pretty straight forward.” The CSU Long Beach library granted ProQuest permission to access their holdings in Alma.


在此报告中:“我们能够识别有资格获得ProQuest电子书中央的电子书标题P至E 50%折扣,从预算的角度来看,这是非常有益的。但这还不是全部。”吉尔莫尔补充说。

“Plus, we avoided purchasing duplicate content because the report identified titles that we already owned or had access to through Academic Complete or other [Ebook Central] subscription services, she noted.”


由于目前的学期正在遥不可及 - 未来的任期仍然不确定,因此吉尔莫尔说,她的图书馆还与Proquest的合作伙伴合作,在本学年剩下的时间到2020 - 2021年的剩余时间里都有教师要求的头衔。这将确保材料可用于研究和学习,无论是在校园还是仅在线上。

“These title matches proved very useful for us. We were able to quickly pivot to providing e-titles to those students and faculty who needed them in the middle of spring semester.”


Learn more about ProQuest E Now programs

Title matching for books and periodicals is part of a series of programs to support flexible teaching and learning on campus and online. Developed based on market feedback, input from library and higher ed organizations and discussions with customers around the world, ProQuest’s E Now programs include:

  • 电子书中央P节目, enables libraries to add e-versions of their print titles. Over 604K titles are available for a 50% discount on the Ebook Central list price when you own the print.
  • E-First, Print Lateris designed for the many libraries that can’t receive shipments of the print books they’ve invested in. ProQuest uses its OASIS and Rialto capabilities to research all available options and discounts for e-versions that can be used in the interim and by remote users.
  • 历史期刊计划旨在确保用户继续访问图书馆的历史期刊。ProQuest将物理资源映射到数字版本,并将替代品折价高达50%。
  • 音乐分数程序supports music researchers and students who rely heavily on print editions—with over 50,000 online sheet music titles at up to a 50% discount.

Watch our recent网络研讨会,过渡到数字收集以支持在线研究,to learn about E Now title matching. You can also check out the latest developments in E Now programs or get started这里.