2020年12月1日 yobetvip官网博客, 学术的, Librarian






  • Ensuring more equitable and authentic representation.Faculty depend on teaching resources that truthfully and accurately depict events and experiences from the perspectives of those who witnessed and lived through them.
  • 包括以前被边缘化的声音。图书馆正在重新评估其藏书,以确保不包括未代表的人,不仅包括在内,而且很容易被发现和访问。
  • 提供更多的机会,从不同的角度学习。学生和研究人员需要了解当今(昨天)的问题,以准备明天他们将进入的世界。这使得他们有必要接触到不同的背景,经验,身份和方向。

Faculty and librarians also tell us these efforts can be challenging. Change is hard – even when it is exciting, inspiring and the right thing to do. The systems that are in place have existed for a long time and biases are often inherent, making it difficult to see how and where teaching, research and learning can be more diverse and inclusive.


Learn more关于Proquest如何在这两个方面提供帮助。


Proquest致力于提供丰富多样化和包容性内容的丰富内容的承诺具有深厚的根源。在早期的数字化项目中,我们直接进入了替代观点的来源,与诸如Real Times Media - 芝加哥后卫的出版商等内容提供商合作。结果:广泛,全球访问独特的收藏和档案,为主流叙事提供了对立面。

Over subsequent decades, we built on that model, expanding our content types and partnerships – including the NAACP, African Books Press, Duke UP, Sproutflix, Red Cross Records, Aboriginal Health Research Networks Secretariat (AHRNetS), Women's International League For Peace and Freedom, the Communist Party of America, The Kinsey Institute Archive and Library, Third World Newsreel, the USC Shoah Foundation – with the goal of featuring authentic, alternative voices in books, video, scholarly works and primary sources.


无论您的预算如何,我们都可以帮助您优先考虑您的费用,即您在哪里产生最大的影响。Proquest的专家团队 - 图书馆员,分析师和主题专家 - 可以分析您现有的收藏,以揭示差距和偏见。这些见解可以帮助您做出购买决策,使您的收藏与用户的直接需求保持一致,并帮助您计划长期收集目标。

From unique access models and purchasing plans to special pricing, title-matching and product bundles, there’s a wealth of options available to make your budget work harder for you.


ProQuest’s commitment extends beyond the content we provide. More than 20 years ago we became a charter sponsor of the American Library Association’sSpectrum Scholarship program, which helps to create a more diverse and inclusive librarian community. To date, we have sponsored nearly 200 scholars and proudly watched them move into library leadership roles.

Within our company, our team members have built global networks and alliances representing women, the LGBTQ+ community, racial diversity, mental health and more, providing guidance to company leadership and opportunities for allemployees表达他们的声音。

我们还在开放重要的内容,使图书馆能够提供免费的资源来建立理解。Black Freedom Struggle in the US website, an open resource featuring thousands of key primary source documents that chart triumphs and resilience in the fight for civil rights, debuted in October. This database is available free of charge to all.

We’re continuously challenging ourselves and deepening our own understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion. ProQuest is committed to continuing that journey so we can respond to the evolving priorities of your library and全部of its users as well as our employees and communities.

Explore Every Voice: Authentic, affordable solutions for diverse and inclusive collectionsand begin discovering the many ways we can help you make sure every voice is heard in teaching, research and learning.