


In late 2017, two news stories emerged on the topic of the FBI and Black political activists. The first story involved just-released government documents from 1968 containing allegations about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ties to communist influences, as well as insinuations about his personal life. The second one focused on a meeting between the Congressional Black Caucus and current FBI Director Christopher Wray about an internal report on “Black Identity Extremists.”




根据这一点CNN Wire Service., this 20-page report “makes clear the FBI’s focus on digging up dirt about a man who had become an icon.”

日期为1968年3月12日 - 国王暗杀前三周 - 本报告指控民权领袖,以及他创立的组织,南方基督教领导大会(SCLC,SCLC)受到共产党美国的严重影响。将他作为“一个全心全意的共产党人”,该文件揭示了关于国王与律师和商人斯坦利举行的猜测,他在20世纪50年代曾担任共产党的金融家。(请参阅下面的链接,了解相关博客文章。)

在大多数情况下,这些指控既不是真正的,也不是新的,普利策奖获奖作者和历史学家大卫·戈罗告诉华盛顿邮政。然而,这些发现让人强调了那些已经知道的那些已经着名的关于Then-FBI导演J. Edgar Hoover对国王的个人敌意,并照亮了与共产党美国的FBI持久的关注。

“The number one thing I’ve learned in 40 years of doing this,” added Garrow, who has studied and written extensively about King, “is just because you see it in a top-secret government document, just because someone had said it to the FBI, doesn’t mean it’s accurate.”

FBI对国王的监督是更广泛的监视计划的一部分,被称为CointelPro,违反议长计划,其中一个有针对性的黑人民族主义团体以及其他民间权利组织。(这些Black Nationalist组上的这些CointelPro文件可以在Proquest历史保险库中找到)。虽然国王文件和CointelPro文件已经被几十年被解密,但它没有立即清楚为什么王的这份特定报告迟于其他人发布,作为约翰F.肯尼迪档案更大开放的一部分。

Cointelpro 2.0?

FBI在加州美国代表芭芭拉李的眼中展开的20世纪60年代逆消调活动造成的损害。作为一名学生,李志与来黑豹派对,联邦调查局与王和SCLC的喜好激进了攻击。在旧金山发布的最近发言中太阳记者,李说,“15年来,在J. Edgar Hoover,Cointelpro骚扰和恐吓非洲裔美国人,他们正在为社会正义而战。”


根据美国黑人红星,“law enforcement agencies around the country were sent a document entitled ‘Black Identity Extremists Likely Motivated to Target Law Enforcement Officers.’” When interviewed by the CBC on this report, Wray assured them “that there was no investigation or targeting of Black political activists by his agency.”

代表李似乎对FBI主任的解释似乎并不满足。在会议后的声明中,她叫FBI报告“CointelPro 2.0”,添加:

我必须说清楚,不极端主义黑人身份exist. This misguided term developed by the FBI will only allow local law enforcement to make unsubstantiated accusations against African Americans fighting for justice and equality. This chilling designation has devastating implications for African Americans across the country…Racism and discrimination have no place in our society, especially at the highest levels of government. I will continue to fight against any and all attempts to unjustly target African Americans for exercising their constitutionally-granted rights.


最近纽约人article, “A History of Paranoia,” follows the thread between this latest FBI report and one that came out in 1919 summarizing the impact of World War I on African Americans. The document, called “Final Report on Negro Subversion” (available along with related documents fromproquest历史保险库“描绘了作为潜在的Bolshevik-Inspired的民权运动,并提出了黑色不满可能很容易转向共产主义。”


在报告中重复出现的名称之一是A. Philip Randolph.,“有力,令人信服的发言者和优秀作家”,他共同创立了全国促进黑人劳动工会协会的协会。Loving’s description notes the object of this organization was to “create and develop a spirit of harmony, good will and brotherhood between Black and white workers” – a threatening proposition considering that the group’s advisory board consisted of “radical white labor leaders and prominent Socialists.”

作为政府对黑政治行动者监视的广泛性质的证据,即Naacp(可从中提供的文件proquest历史保险库) also appeared on the list of suspicious groups, notable as well for its biracial make-up: “While organized for the benefit of Negroes…its founders and members are some of the most prominent white men of America.”


As the 1919 “Final Report on Negro Subversion” and the COINTELPRO indicate, African Americans found themselves under government surveillance for much of the 20世纪。这个新的联邦调查局在21次报告是什么报告英石世纪告诉我们2018年在美国的种族和关系状态?研究人员如何比较1919年至1968年至2018年?有什么相似之处和差异?当时政府监测如何变化?过去100年和过去50年的斗争如何发生变化?这些只是新发布的国王文件和2017 FBI“黑色身份极端分子”报告所提出的一些问题。

Download the Black Freedom Essaysand探索资源论民权运动。

看国王博士论文,“对Paul Tillich和Henry Nelson Wieman的思想进行了比较,”可用Proquest福利and Theses Global




FromProquest Central.

Bradner,E。(2017年11月04日)。“秘密Martin Luther King文档包括在JFK文件发布中。”CNN Wire Service.

Cobb, W. (2017, Dec 04).“偏执的历史。”纽约人,93,19。

芭芭拉·李谴责CointelPro 2.0,从FBI总监的回答。(2017年11月30日)。太阳记者

Phillips,K。(2017)。“在最新的JFK文件中:FBI对Martin Luther King Jr的丑陋分析,充满了虚假。华盛顿:WP公司LLC D / B / A.华盛顿邮政

Wright,J.(2017年12月)。“Black Caucus Quizzes FBI Director on 'Black Identity Extremists'。“美国黑人红星


James Baldwin’s Threat to the Status Quo

“…Look the world in the face like you have a right to be here. When you do that, you have attacked the power structure of the western world.”…






