


A post in the What Researchers Need series
Newspapers and news content, the data revealed, form a vital part of content needs, used by 72% of the 410 researchers who responded to our survey. An even higher percentage (88%) of researchers who also teach recommend newspapers to their students, indicating the value of newspapers for undergraduate research.
Why do so many researchers use newspapers?
由于覆盖范围是如此多样化,因此报纸对所有研究人员都是无价的。它们包含在整个课程中与几乎每个主题相关的内容广度。涵盖历史,政治,艺术,商业,科学等主题,报纸是从头到尾的学生和学者的重要主要来源 - 寻求有关当前问题和历史事件的信息。yobet真人vip
News in action
Here are some inspiring examples of how news resources empowered researchers to make extraordinary discoveries that might have otherwise been impossible:
- Doctoral candidate Zack Turpin uncovered a series of 19th-century men’s fitness articles under the title “Manly Health” by Mose Velsor – the pseudonym of American poet Walt Whitman. A fan of ProQuest Historical Newspapers, Turpin searched on “Mose Velsor,” and his findings proved illuminating in understanding a critical period in Whitman’s career.
- By highlighting the everyday details of the African American experience, Professor Matt Delmont created an acclaimed digital project, “Black Quotidian,” populated with archival articles from newspapers digitized in the ProQuest Historical Black Newspapers program. “Reading Black newspapers is a way into a richer history, where struggle was a part of everyday life, but not always dominant in peoples’ minds,” he said.
- 作为波士顿环球报的校长,丽莎·图伊特(Lisa Tuite)的研究帮助揭露了涉及天主教会性虐待的重大掩盖。这项调查赢得了2003年普利策公共服务奖的报纸,该故事告知了2015年奥斯卡获奖犯罪戏剧,聚光灯,由雷切尔·麦克亚当斯(Rachel McAdams),马克·鲁法洛(Mark Ruffalo)和迈克尔·基顿(Michael Keaton)主演。
- 辛辛那提和汉密尔顿县公共图书馆的当地历史参考图书馆员使用ProQuest历史报纸的辛辛那提询问者数据库来追踪刻在古董铜锅上的日期的重要性。
全球新闻流使用户能够搜索最新的全球新闻内容(可以追溯到1980年代)的最新全球新闻内容,包括2500多个新闻来源,包括报纸,电线,数字优先新闻内容,广播成绩单和全文格式的网站。Global Newsstream提供了来自美国,加拿大,欧洲,非洲,亚洲,拉丁美洲和澳大利亚的最大新闻之一。没有付费墙,大多数内容负载当天 - 通常是在美国东部时间上午8点。

A post in the研究人员需要什么系列

While traditional peer-reviewed journal content remains a staple resource for researchers, a recentProQuest民意调查indicates that research and teaching is informed by a diverse mix of content types.

Newspapers and news content, the data revealed, form a vital part of content needs, used by 72% of the 410 researchers who responded to our survey.在还向学生推荐报纸的研究人员中,比例更高(88%),这表明报纸对本科研究的价值。

Why do so many researchers use newspapers?

由于覆盖范围是如此多样化,因此报纸对所有研究人员都是无价的。它们包含在整个课程中与几乎每个主题相关的内容广度。涵盖历史,政治,艺术,商业,科学等主题,报纸是从头到尾的学生和学者的重要主要来源 - 寻求有关当前问题和历史事件的信息。yobet真人vip



News in action

Here are some inspiring examples of how news resources empowered researchers to make extraordinary discoveries that might have otherwise been impossible:

    • - Doctoral candidateZack Turpinuncovered a series of 19th-century men’s fitness articles under the title “Manly Health” by Mose Velsor – the pseudonym of American poet Walt Whitman. A fan of ProQuest Historical Newspapers, Turpin searched on “Mose Velsor,” and his findings proved illuminating in understanding a critical period in Whitman’s career.
    • - By highlighting the everyday details of the African American experience,Professor Matt Delmont创建了一个备受赞誉的数字项目“ Black quotidian”,该项目带有来自Proquest历史黑色报纸计划中数字化的报纸的档案文章。他说:“阅读黑人报纸是进入富裕历史的一种方式,在这个历史上,斗争是日常生活的一部分,但并不总是在人民的思想中占主导地位。”
    • - As head librarian at波士顿地球仪,,,,丽莎·特伊特(Lisa Tuite)研究有助于揭露涉及天主教会性虐待的主要掩盖。该调查为2003年普利策公共服务奖获得了报纸,该故事告知2015年奥斯卡获奖犯罪戏剧,聚光灯,由雷切尔·麦克亚当斯(Rachel McAdams),马克·鲁法洛(Mark Ruffalo)和迈克尔·基顿(Michael Keaton)主演。


Proquest历史报纸is the definitive newspaper digital archive, encompassing 50 premier historical titles. Researchers are empowered to digitally travel back through centuries to become eyewitnesses to history.


Global Newsstream使用户能够搜索最新的全球新闻内容(可以追溯到1980年代)的最新全球新闻内容,包括2500多个新闻来源,包括报纸,电线,数字优先新闻内容,广播成绩单和网站,并以全文格式进行。Global Newsstream提供了来自美国,加拿大,欧洲,非洲,亚洲,拉丁美洲和澳大利亚的最大新闻之一。没有付费墙,大多数内容负载当天 - 通常是在美国东部时间上午8点。

这是来自诸如诸如Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Economist, The Guardian,ProPublica在诸如夏洛茨维尔的白人民族主义示威活动,朝鲜导弹危机,美国俄罗斯调查以及肯尼亚的大选后紧张局势上升的情况下,诸如白人民族主义者示威活动的影响。
