17 julio 2019 , académico, Colegios comunitarios, biblioteca pública

Historians Seek Out Local U.S. Coverage of the Holocaust

Historic newspapers reveal what Americans knew about events unfolding in Europe, and how they reacted to it

By Courtney Suciu

Rebecca Erbelding is a historian, archivist and curator at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. She specializes in the study of America reactions to the Holocaust and she and her colleagues coordinated an ongoing crowd-sourced project which examines how local U.S. newspapers covered the Holocaust.

We recently spoke with Erbelding to learn about this project and why local newspapers are so valuable for understanding what Americans knew about the events unfolding in Europe leading up to World War II – and how that shaped and reflected the perspectives of the American people.

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Erbelding’s research interests center around what Americans did about the persecution of European Jews during the Holocaust. But to understand how Americans acted, she explained, she had to ask what Americans knew about the persecution of Jews beginning with Hitler’s rise to chancellor in 1933.

为了了解,Erbelding和她的同事直接转向美国人在20世纪30年代和40年代 - 当地报纸上依赖的信息来源。目标是表面如何在美国的每个地区覆盖大屠杀时期的关键事件。并将所有这些信息yobet真人vip组织到可供未来学者使用的数据库中 - 这起初似乎是一个不可逾越的前景。

“We knew there was no way we could research every U.S. paper over a ten-year period [1933-1943] by ourselves,” Erbelding said. And that’s where the idea came to solicit the public for help.


As of June 20, 2019, 3,614 participants across the country have submitted more than 26,100 pieces of content from local newspapers in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This content includes not only news articles, but editorials, letters to the editor, political cartoons and advertisements to reveal how the influence of then-current events rippled throughout American culture – a unique perspective not as discernible in any other media source.


What newspapers reveal about mainstream America and the Holocaust

Erbelding shared with us some observations historians have made in researching local U.S. news coverage of the Holocaust era.


“And in 1935,” she added, “German Jews had their citizenship taken away.”

During this time, students and leading members of the Nazi Party carried out massive book burnings to destroy any publication that contradicted Nazi ideologies or were otherwise considered “un-German.” Bonfires broke out all over Germany and huge crowds gathered to witness works by prominent scientists, artists and intellectuals, many of whom were Jewish, were turned to ash.

Erbelding said accounts of these events were featured prominently in both major and local American newspapers. Journalists and their readers were shocked and outraged by such attacks on German intellectual freedom, and against the Jewish population. But, while activists in the U.S rallied against Nazi censorship, many people in the U.S. “weren’t clear on what could be done to help the Jews,” Erbelding said.

Antisemitism was rampant in the U.S. during the 1930s, and following the devastation of World War I, local newspapers reveal how most Americans took an isolationist view of international affairs. According to Erbelding, “these factors fed into a lack of tangible action to help Jews.”


This disinterest wasn’t entirely a matter of apathy, however. News about domestic issues took precedence as the U.S. was coming out of the Great Depression in the mid-to-late 1930s and Americans were preoccupied with changes brought about by FDR’s New Deal programs and policies. How would they impact and benefit small towns and communities? These stories were the ones emblazoned on the front pages of the nation’s local newspapers.


When local newspapers did carry stories about events in Europe, they were generally the same reports from major news agencies. But, content in local newspapers reveal subtle differences that are invaluable to researchers. For example, even as news from Europe didn’t vary much from newspaper to newspaper, local community and newspapers wrote their own headlines for these articles.

这个看似微不足道的区别可能甲型肝炎e a major influence on how a story might have been interpreted by a reader, whether it presented a story from a sympathetic or antagonistic angle. Such a detail might disclose the sympathies of an editor, publisher or specific community, especially when considered with other content unique to a specific paper, including its editorials, cartoons and letters. These could be fascinating research topics for students and scholars.


Another compelling avenue of research is in comparing mainstream press coverage with coverage in Black and Jewish newspapers during the Holocaust era.

For example, local African American publications, especially in the South, often couched content related to the persecution of Jews in the language of Jim Crow, Erbelding said. American populations impacted by the inequities brought about by segregation could see similarities between their plight and the treatment of Jews in Europe as the Nazis seized power.

From this perspective, Erbelding noted how some Black editors and newspaper contributors were sympathetic and advocated for solidarity with European Jews. In other cases, however, newspaper editorials and letters documented more isolationist sentiments. African Americans wondered why they should be concerned with the oppression of a population across the Atlantic when they were suffering injustices themselves, in their own neighborhoods.


Once the war broke out in 1939 and the press had limited access to report from Nazi-occupied Europe, Jewish papers also carried accounts of atrocities as relayed by family and friends who witnessed them first-hand. Mainstream American newspapers and the mainstream American public largely ignored or dismissed the pleas and accounts documented in Jewish publications, but such coverage provoked activists in Jewish communities to organize relief efforts for European Jews.

For further research




Learn how you can participate in the History Unfolded project from the American Holocaust Memorial Museum. Efforts are on-going to collect newspaper content related to American responses to the Holocaust.Read more要了解如何帮助。

Researchers can also explore our comprehensive collection of ProQuest Historical Newspapers to discover the value of local, regional, and international coverage of historical events.Learn more.


Courtney Suciu is ProQuest’s lead blog writer. Her loves include libraries, literacy and researching extraordinary stories related to the arts and humanities. She has a Master’s Degree in English literature and a background in teaching, journalism and marketing. Follow her @QuirkySuciu