AI, Gender and Companionship
07 Nov 2019

AI, Gender and Companionship


By Courtney Suciu




It turns out, the forms of artificial intelligence we rely on most in our day-to-day lives – digital personal assistants, or, in many cases, customer service chatbots – have qualities we traditionally identify as female. And, according to researchers, the implications of gendered AI have consequences when it comes to human interactions.

Why are so many bots and digital assistants female?

在2018年访谈中经济时报1, American lawyer Reshma Suajani expressed concern about the ubiquity of female AI in our lives:

我真的认为我们必须问自己为什么每一个major digital assistant to hit the market has been a woman. Why is a woman's name (and voice) the default for an assistant? We're putting these chatbots in homes all over the world. Our children are learning that when they have a question or need help, it's going to be a faceless female voice that will do the work for them.



但是技术人员的主导地位不是唯一的原因,这是一个女性。这也是因为我们想要女性AI - 至少根据最近的一份报告道琼斯机构新闻2

Citing a study of over 7000 consumers in the Americas, Asia and Europe, the report revealed we like our bots to be as human-like as possible. Consumers “have strong views on how they want bots to look and behave,” the article noted, as half of those surveyed indicated they preferred a bot to look human rather than have it represented by an avatar.

And, among those who indicated a preference, nearly three times as many said they preferred a female bot over a male. In addition, the “bot personality traits” respondents ranked highest were “sounding polite,” “caring” and “intelligent.” The qualities that tied for the lowest ranking were “sounding posh” and “sounding authoritative.”

So, we like our female bots to be kind and smart, but not to come across as anyway superior to us.

What, if anything, does this reflect about gender roles and stereotypes?


For researchers like Allison Piper, there is concern that feminization of digital personal assistants and chatbots perpetuates the historically subservient role of women in Western cultures.

In her thesis “Stereotyping Femininity in Disembodied Virtual Assistants,”3.Piper argued “The purpose of the AI virtual assistant technology seems to be an outdated signification of femininity, one that presupposes that women exist in a supportive manner rather than directive.”

她比较“原始虚拟助理的Clippy,’ the Microsoft paper clip,” which “did not resemble humans at all, save for its blinking eyes” – and was hugely unpopular – with “newer virtual assistants like Siri, Cortana, and Alexa” which “are given feminine personas, able to speak audibly with users, and interact beyond simply answering questions.”

According to Piper, today’s digital personal assistants function much like women of previous generations were expected to, making life easier for typically male executives, bread-winners and important decision-makers.


“Virtual assistants on phones and other devices are essentially secretaries for everyday people,” she observed, which could be a great thing. “They seem to make our lives easier, cutting out time to look up something ourselves on the Internet, for example.”


Of course, notions around gender in general are complex, and Piper was careful in her argument to note that it is “not a restrictive binary.”

“Masculinity does not necessarily correspond with ‘man,’ and femininity does not necessarily correspond with ‘woman,’” she pointed out.

相反,在Piper的研究中,“性别”提到了“阳性气质和女性气质的谱”象征性的文化象征“。她在西方文化中写道,“性别是人们可以拥有权力或被贩卖的方式,而且阳刚地性比女性气质更有利地观看” - 这是一个由AI的女性键入强调的公约。


在他的文章中作者:王莹,艺术科学与技术CHINESE4., Pedro Costa made a similar observation and suggested there is a risk in how our interactions with feminized virtual assistants “might affect the way we feel, perceive, interpret and even describe reality, gender and women.”

Such concerns are particularly pertinent in the context of Costa’s analysis of how digital assistants also perform as personal companions.

“The AIs frequently display caregiving attitudes, namely in interactions that don’t relate directly with providing help or assistance,” he wrote. For example, he noted how “Alexa resembles a hybrid between a housewife and an assistant…even saying ‘Well, hello! I’m very glad you’re here,’ when the user arrives home.”

Meanwhile, “Cortana poses as a maternal and somewhat intimate assistant who seeks a friendly relationship with the user, calling the user ‘friend’ and frequently using humor or asking about the user’s day or dinner plans, as well as offering to sing lullabies.”

As feminized digital personal assistants increasingly fulfill an emotional role in our lives, how might human relationships be affected? Might the companionship and intimacy with AI be preferable for some people?

在CNN系列中Mostly Human5.,主持人Laurie Segall采访了Regoll的创始人和首席执行官Matt McCullen。当SEGALL将他的实验室描述为“性娃娃工厂”时,McCullen迅速纠正了她,并解释了许多客户“有超越性欲的感情。他们实际上依恋他们的娃娃......所以我认为爱情更加符合这一点。“

McCullen’s company creates life-size, bespoke “dolls” that allow clients to “customize everything that you want on your girl and just order it. You’re gonna receive the body with all the things that you chose,” he explained.

In addition to a body, RealDolls are equipped with a highly responsive artificial intelligence. “The more you interact with it, the better your doll gets to know you,” McCullen said, and compared the experience to interacting with a digital personal assistant.

“When you [talk about] AI in your phone, you think Siri or something like that. But Siri doesn't care when your birthday is or what your favorite food is, so on and so on. Our AI is very interested to know who you are,” he told Segall.


“All I'm trying to do is make that person happy, make them feel complete and like they have that missing piece that they didn't have before,” he told her. “People are not as loyal as they used to be to each other. And people deceive each other, and that breaks their heart. And they find themselves in a place where like, ‘I don't wanna do that again?’”

McCullen’s perspective provides a unique opportunity for us to think about what we expect and desire from our relationships, whether with those who assist us in varying capacities, or those with whom we relate in various emotional capacities.

Beyond the implications of feminized artificial intelligence perpetuating gender stereotypes, how do we, as humans, benefit from interacting with forms of intelligence that exist only to serve and respond to our needs?

Can these exchanges be considered “relationships” if the “relating” is one-sided rather than give-and-take?




  1. Arora,P。(2018年,9月15日)。作为女人聊天:工业年龄偏见是否蔓延到新的技术?经济时报。可用proquest一个学术
  2. 新闻稿:消费者想要女性和有趣 - 但不是年轻 - 聊天。(2017, Sep 12).道琼斯机构新闻。可用proquest一个学术
  3. Piper, A. (2016).Stereotyping Femininity in Disembodied Virtual Assistants(订单号10167825)。可用proquest一个学术
  4. Pedro Carvalho Ferreira, d. C. (2018).与个人数字助理交谈:关于性别和人工智能作者:王莹,艺术科学与技术CHINESE, 10(3), 59-72. Available fromproquest一个学术
  5. I Love You, Bot, in Mostly Human with Laurie Segall, season 1, episode 3。亨特,r。(导演)。(2017年1月01日)。[视频/ DVD] CNN Newsource销售。可用proquest一个学术


Courtney Suciu是Proquest领导博客作家。她的爱包括图书馆,识字和研究与艺术和人文相关的非凡故事。她在英语文学硕士学位和教学中的背景,新闻和营销。跟随她的@quirkysuciu.


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