Why Sesame Street Still Matters After 50 Years

Why Sesame Street Still Matters After 50 Years


By Courtney Suciu

WhenSesame Streetmade its debut on American television in 1969, it revolutionized children’s programming. Not only was it phenomenally successful in teaching preschoolers about letters and numbers; it was the first TV show for young people to feature minority actors including African American and Hispanic cast members, as well as differently-abled human and puppet characters.

现在,50年后,Sesame Street是世界各地的空气,70种语言和150个国家。

In海峡新闻1of Singapore, whereSesame Streetfirst appeared on television in 1971, Assistant Professor Liew Kai Khiun from Nanyang Technological University shared his thoughts about the show’s ongoing popularity. He noted that by featuring such diverse characters, the show “[brings] alive the sense of the neighborhood and community.”

Sesame Street,“教授继续,”仍然是一个更容易获得和更不争议的平台之一,以帮助孩子们处理差异和身份的问题。“

That intention, it turns out, was baked into the original vision of the show. According to a documentary2关于Muppet-Creator Jim Henson(谁叫他喧闹的生物“MUPPETS”,因为它们是木偶和MARIONETTES之间的交叉,Sesame Street生产者正在响应当前的事件。yobet真人vip

“Martin Luther King was killed, Robert Kennedy was killed, the Vietnam War protests were reaching a crescendo. It was a really scary time,” said Joan Ganz Cooney, founder of the Children’s Television Network.Sesame Street他们意识到,可以作为对应对社会应对的年轻人的舒适和支持来源。

In honor of 50 years of Cookie Monster, Big Bird and the rest of the beloved Muppet gang, we take a closer look at the social and moral influence ofSesame Street而且它对世界各地的儿童持久吸引力。

Sesame Street and globalization: an overview

在她2014年的论文,朱莉娅棕榈3.examined the increased globalization in all aspects of our lives and howSesame Street回应了一个更相互依存的世界。随着“多元化的管理”成为“关键当代挑战”,她指出“美国人Sesame Streetconsciously placed special importance on diversity in the cast of ‘real’ people in terms of age, gender, race and even disability.”


也许,因为伯特,厄尼和其余的不能根据年龄,种族甚至作为人类或动物进行分类,因为儿童可能更容易与Muppets的情况和人格特征有关。这可以使学龄前儿童能够亲自识别和同情这些角色的各个方面(毕竟,谁不能偶尔与奥斯卡奥斯卡或Cookie Monster?),同时没有将脾气暴躁或贪婪的令人不愉快的特征与任何一群实际的人相提并论。

Palm noted that the resulting viewing experience, which allows children to “‘find themselves’ in the program and situate themselves in relation to an ‘Other,’” encourages them to explore issues of identity and belonging, both as individuals and as a part of a culture, as well as people sharing a larger world.

在世界各地,Sesame Streetproducers (the Sesame Workshop) have teamed up with local television producers to create versions ofSesame Street与不同国家的挑战和问题有关。


rue sesame.and other Sesame Streets around the world

法国共同生产Sesame Streetrue sesame.那debuted in 2004 after more than a year of planning, reported Doreen Carajal ofThe New York Times4.。编程董事亚历山大米其林告诉她,挑战是“适应[IN IT款待Sesame Streetvalues and ours, finding a way to make it work with French issues.”

rue sesame.设有一个“整洁的村庄面包店用长方形宝石,”而代替大鸟,有NAC,一个巨大的黄色字符,带小号鼻子。此外,米其林说:“我们有[美国人的感觉Sesame Street]有点太甜了,太好了。我们需要一些讽刺意味......我们有一种在法国的感觉,我们可以成为一个小的edgier。“

Carajal also noted aSesame Street印度的合作是在作品中,大鸟将被Boomah取代,七英尺,印度狮子;而不是法国面包店,街道将是互联网咖啡馆的所在地。

“If it is to work in India, the Indian kid watching it must not feel it is American or foreign,” said producer Niret Alva.

在发展本合作的发展之前,美国的版本Sesame Street被称为印地语在印度播出,但只达到了一个小的,利基观众。然而,Carajal解释说,配音远比创建节目的共同制作,这么多地区的速度仍然以不同的语言播出美国版本。

但在2000年代初,当全球化的媒体产生了很多嗡嗡声时,更多的国家有兴趣与芝麻研讨会合作,以创建专门为其文化问题和习俗设计的独特版本。到2005年,Sesame Street在120多个国家播出;约有25个国家淡化共同制作。

In addition to France and India, there was an Arabic Egyptian version calledAlam Simsim和南非的一个叫做Takalani Sesamewhich featured an HIV-positive Muppet to encourage conversation about the country’s AIDS crisis.

The intersection of education and entertainment

But what does all of this tell us about why, after 50 years,Sesame Street仍然如此受欢迎?

在他们的书中G Is for Growing: Thirty Years of Sesame Street5.,作者Shalom Fisch和Rosemarie Trevlio预见到研究,展示了对美国和世界各地的儿童的教育影响。他们还研究了它对多样性的关注方式有助于这种影响。

根据作者,研究表明了“学龄前的学术表现之间的显着差异”Sesame Streetviews and non-viewers have appeared as late as high school.”

FISCH和TRUGLIO指出了几个例子Sesame Street完成这一点。对于一个,展示的作家和生产者与童年教育专家密切合作,以确保内容适用于学龄前老年学习者。展会的另一个元素得到正确的是,通过将其与相关背景的知识和经验联系起来,将孩子们介绍给“新的地方和文化,否则他们将没有机会体验”。

But perhaps the most significant waySesame Streetappeals to its young audience is through what the authors call “modeling and identification.” From its American debut in 1969, its cast featured minority characters, enabling many children to see people “like them” represented in the media for the first time. Fisch and Truglio cited research that’s shown “children sometimes attend more to models who are similar to themselves” and as result are able to learn more from such characters.

“建模和识别”Sesame Street也是显著的,通过一个包容吗cast, children gain role models who根据FISCH和TRUGLIO的说法,看起来像它们。这鼓励年轻学习者与不同种族,文化背景,性别和身体能力的人民联系和发展积极的协会。

Finally, “all of the characters onSesame Streetare shown as enjoying the process of learning,” the authors explained. “Viewers’ exposure to role models who enjoy learning can promote a general love of learning themselves,” they continued. Rather than making a distinction between activities that are fun and those which are educational,Sesame Streetinspires children to grow up thinking of learning as a form of play and entertainment.

对于这位作家,她在帮派公司的学龄前多年Sesame Street,肯定是真的。


  1. Benson,A.(2019年3月10日)。海峡时代庆祝50年的芝麻街:查看新加坡的各种活动和活动,标志着受欢迎的儿童节目50周年yobet真人vip。可用proquest一个学术
  2. Metz, J., & Moon, J. (Producers). (2015).吉姆·亨森[Video file]. Public Broadcasting Service. Available fromproquest一个学术
  3. Palm, J. C. (2012).Muppets Abroad: Globalization of Multiculturalism and the Onternational Co-Productions of Sesame Street(订单号1518467)。可用proquest一个学术
  4. Carvajal,Doreen。(2005年,12月)。The New York TimesSesame Street' Goes Local, Without Some Old Friends。可用proquest一个学术
  5. FISCH,S. M.,TRUGLIO,R.T.(EDS)。(2000)。G is for Growing : Thirty Years of Research on Children and Sesame Street。可用proquest一个学术


Courtney Suciu是Proquest领导博客作家。她的爱包括图书馆,识字和研究与艺术和人文相关的非凡故事。她在英语文学硕士学位和教学中的背景,新闻和营销。跟随她的@quirkysuciu.








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